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Chantal Akerman «Hotel Monterey»
Chantal Akerman, «Hotel Monterey», 1972
Filmstill | © Frith Street Gallery

Belgium | 65' | color, mute | Camera: Babette Mangolte | Schnitt: Geneviève Luciani | Edition / Production: Paradise Films, Brüssel | 16mm-film

 Chantal Akerman

* 1950 in Brussels (B). Chantal Akerman is a filmmaker whose work gives new meaning to the term "independent film". Strong themes in her films include women at work and at home, women's relationships to men, women, and children, food, love, sex, romance, art, and storytelling. She enrolled in the Belgian film school, INSAS, but quit after two years, finding herself understandably more interested in making films than in sitting in a classroom. Her first short film was «Saute ma ville» (1968), a chaplineske tragicomedy.