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Arndt, Olaf; Moonen, Rob «Camera Silens» | Innenansicht auf den medizinischen Stuhl
Arndt, Olaf; Moonen, Rob, «Camera Silens», 1994
Innenansicht auf den medizinischen Stuhl | © Arndt, Olaf; Moonen, Rob


Works by Arndt, Olaf; Moonen, Rob:

Camera Silens


Germany | Participants: Maria Zinfert, Olaf Arndt (publication)  | Hardware: medical chair, surveillance camera, video monitor  | Edition / Production: Siemens Kulturprogramm München; Kunstfonds Bonn e.V.; Mondrian Stiftung, Amsterdam; Illbruck Bau-Produkte Leverkusen; ZKM Medienmuseum, Karlsruhe; Deutsche Bahn AG | Archive / Collection: ZKM, Karlsruhe

Dan Graham «Body Press»

 Arndt, Olaf; Moonen, Rob

Olaf Arndt
born 1961 in Hanover, Germany, lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
Olaf Arndt has worked primarily in the area of performance. Together with other artists, he developed staged performances whose field of emphasis, man-machine-society, is presented in explosive and often aggressive constellations. In 1989, Arndt founded the group for performances with machines BBM (Beobachter der Bediener von Maschinen / Observers of Machine Operators). His work also emphasizes the development of exhibition concepts based on comprehensive archival research, and completing extravagant, accompanying publications on the themes of industrial and media culture.

Rob Moonen
born 1958 in Schaesberg, Netherlands, lives and works in Tilburg (NL). He develops text-related installations using various media. Through the site-specific incorporating of collected elements, his works stand in a direct relationship to the surroundings in which they are created, and their conception critically comments upon a current situation. From 1977 to 1982, Moonen completed his training as an art instructor at NLO Mollerinstituut in Tilburg. From 1982 to 1984, he studied sculpture at the Academie voor Beeldende Vorming in Tilburg.