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Bertolt Brecht «Lindberghflug» | Original radio setting
Bertolt Brecht, «Lindberghflug», 1929
Original radio setting | © Bertolt Brecht

Germany | 19' 08" | Der Lindberghflug (T: Bertolt Brecht, K: Paul Hindemith und Kurt Weill) Radiophonische Kantate für Soli, Chor und Orchester; Lt. Hermann Scherchen mit Betty Mergler, Erik Wirl , Fritz Düttbernd u.a. 18.3.1930 / DRA Ffm 1850379/4; 19'08" | Archive / Collection: Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Frankfurt/Main

Jeffrey Shaw «Pig for Pink Floyd»| E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology «Experiments in Art and Technology - Documents»| Gábor Bódy «Tape catalogues»| Jean Tinguely «Homage to New York»| Valie Export «Seeing and Hearing Space»

 Bertolt Brecht

* 1898 in Augsburg—died 1956in East-Berlin. 1917 begins his studies in Medicine and Science at the University of Munich. 1918 drafted for World War I; member of the workers and soldiers committee in Augsburg. 1922 premiere of his critical and leftist theater play «Trommeln in der Nacht» in Munich. 1924 moves to Berlin, where he works with Carl Zuckmayer for Max Reinhardt at the Deutsches Theater. 1933 exiel in Denmark and flight to the USA in 1941. After having been summoned to appear in front of the Committee on Unamerican Activities in 1947 he leaves the USA for Switzerland and, in 1949, moves to East-Berlin where he is honored and a key figure of post-war GDR.