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Works by Bear, Liza; Sonnier, Keith; Sharp, Willoughby:

Two-Way-Demo: Send/Receive


Peter Campus »mem«

 Bear, Liza; Sonnier, Keith; Sharp, Willoughby

Liza Bear, film and art critic, Willoughby Sharp, performer, writer and videomaker, cooperated with the visual artist Keith Sonnier.

Keith Sonnier
*1941 in Mamou, Louisiana (USA). Keith Sonnier gained international recognition especially with his sculptures and installations using colored neon lights. His most spectacular work in Europe is the over one kilometer long Lichtweg connecting different terminals at the Munich airport. Since the late sixties Sonnier has contributed to the development of a new concept of sculpture through the use of inexpensive materials until then unnoticed in art, such as felt, fiberglass, lead, fat, latex, wire, neon, aluminum and glass. In the early 1970s, produces some artistic video tapes. Lives in New York City (USA).