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Peter Weibel


Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte «TV-Bra for Living Sculpture»

 Export, Valie; Weibel, Peter

Valie Export
b 1940 Linz (A); 1960-64 attends the Textilfachschule, Vienna (A); since 1968 actions and 'expanded cinema' projects, in the 1970s works with photography, video and film; since 1979 lecturer at several universities in Europe and the USA; 1991-95 professor at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin (D); since 1996 professor at the Kunsthochschule für Medien, Cologne (D); lives in Vienna (A) and Cologne (D).

Peter Weibel
b 1944 in Odessa (USSR); studied literature, philosophy, medicine, logic and film in Paris (F) and Vienna (A); from 1966 conceptual photo-literature and also audio plays, texts, projects and actions; late 60s, expanded cinema, actions, performances and films with Valie Export; his interdisciplinary artistic and scientific activity includes literary, photographic, graphic, sculptural and digital works; curator at the Neue Galerie, Graz (A),and professor at the Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst, Wien (A); 1989-94 director of the Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt/M.; from 1999 director of the ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe; lives and works in Vienna (A) and Karlsruhe.