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 Heinz von Foerster

b 1911 in Vienna (A)—died 2002 in Pescadero, USA. Studied physics in Vienna. Philosopher and cyberneticist. Beginning 1949, he lived in the USA, collaborated with pioneers of cybernetics—Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, and John von Neumann —and founded with them the Biological Computer Laboratory (BCL) of the University of Illinois, later an important center for research in the fields of cognitive science and epistemology. Although Foerster never referred to himself as a constructivist, he is considered the co-founder of constructivism. Among his many publications are: «Knowledge and Conscience. An Attempted Bridgework» (1993), «Truth is the Invention of a Liar. Conversations for Skeptics» (with Bernhard Pörksen, 1999) and «2 x 2 = Green» (CD, 1999).