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Lucio Fontana «Concetto spaziale»
Lucio Fontana, «Concetto spaziale», 1949

Leon Theremin «Theremin»

 Lucio Fontana

b in Rosario de Santa Fé (Argentina) 1899, died 1968 in Comabbio/Varese (I). As a sculptor, he experimented with stone, metals, ceramics, and neon; as a painter he attempted to transcend the confines of the two-dimensional surface. In a series of manifestos originating with the «Manifesto blanco» (White Manifesto) of 1946, Fontana announced his goals for a“spatialist” art, one that could engage technology to achieve an expression of the fourth dimension. He wanted to meld the categories of architecture, sculpture, and painting to create a groundbreaking new aesthetic idiom. From 1947 on Fontana’s experiments were often entitled «Concetti spaziali» (Spatial Concepts).