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Francis Galton «Composite-Fotografie»
Francis Galton, «Composite-Fotografie»
Photography | © Francis Galton
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Source: Der Neue Mensch. Obsessionen des 20. Jahrhunderts, hrsg. von Nicola Lepp/Martin Roth/Klaus Vogel, Katalog zur Ausstellung im Deutschen Hygiene-Museum Dresden vom 22. April bis 8. August 1999, Ostfildern/Ruit 1999, S. 124.


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Works by Francis Galton:


photo series

Aby M. Warburg «Mnemosyne-Atlas»

 Francis Galton

Born 1822 – died 1911, the cousin of Charles Darwin, British natural scientist and writer. Like Darwin did, Galton worked on the study of heredity and documented his findings in his best-known work, «Hereditary Genius, its Laws and Consequence» (1865). In 1883, Francis Galton founded eugenics (the study of improving human races). In the history of photography, one attributes to Galton the development of composite photography , a multiple exposure process in which he generated typological portraits. He also developed the process of dactylopy, identification through fingerprints, which replaced the Bertillonage as the identification process used by the police.