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Man Ray «Return to Reason»
Man Ray, «Return to Reason», 1923

France | 3' | Experimentalfilm, s/w, stumm | Participants: Kiki of Montparnasse | Archive / Collection: ZKM Videosammlung, Karlsruhe | 16mm-film

Aby M. Warburg »Mnemosyne-Atlas«

 Man Ray

b 1890 in Philadelphia (USA) as Emanuel Radinsky, d 1976 in Paris (F).
Architect, commercial ads, painter, drawings, film director, photographer and inventor of rayograms, photographs without camera. He was living in New York, and with his close friend Marcel Duchamp, formed the American branch of the Dada movement; in 1921 followed Duchamp to live in Paris where he becomes the photographer of the Surrealist movement, taking pictures of practically all surrealists. Works also as fashion photographer with the Paris couturier Poiret. Produces a series of books together with Paul Eluard which experiment with a new photo-poetic visual language. In 1940 he returned to New York, picks up on painting once more, and in 1951 he moved once again to Paris.