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Robert Delaunay «Window Pictures» | Fensterbilder
Robert Delaunay, «Window Pictures»
Fensterbilder | © Robert Delaunay
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Works by Robert Delaunay:

Window Pictures


 Robert Delaunay

b 1885 in Paris(F) – died 1941 in Montpellier(F)
Coming from the preoccupation with the analytic cubism the french painter
Delaunay 1912-13 developed the orphism as an independent version, a method of painting which should include the simultaneity of sensations.
Not the object of the picture but movement, light, an rhythm definded his picture compositions. From 1921 Delaunay had close relationships to the dadaists. In this time he began to paint half-representational work.Until the end of his producing the metropolis and the modern life stayed cenral themes .