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Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky u.a. (Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky et al.) «Weekend Remix»
Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky u.a. (Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky et al.), «Weekend Remix», 1998
© Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky u.a. (Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky et al.)


Works by Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky u.a. (Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky et al.):

Weekend Remix

Check as well:

Walter Ruttmann «Weekend»

Germany | Audio-CD | Concept: intermedium records | Participants: Walter Ruttmann; Ernst Horn; DJ Spooky; Mick Harris; Klaus Buhlert; to rococo rot; John Oswald | Edition / Production: BR Hörspiel und MedienkunstBR Hörspiel und Medienkunstintermedium records | sound

Sherrie Levine «After Walker Evans»

 Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky u.a. (Walter Ruttmann/DJ Spooky et al.)

DJ Spooky / to rococo rot / Mick Harris / Klaus Buhlert / Ernst Horn / John Oswald / Walter Ruttmann are included in the sampler «Weekend Remix.» See separate biographies as well.