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Paul Sermon «Telematic Vision» | Telematic Dreaming
Paul Sermon, «Telematic Vision», 1993
Telematic Dreaming | © Paul Sermon

Handshake «Handshake»| Grahame Weinbren »Sonata«

 Paul Sermon

b 1966 in Oxford (GB); 1984-85 studies Art and Design at the Bedford College of Higher Education, Bedford (GB); 1985-88 studies Fine Arts with Roy Ascott at the Gwent College of Higher Education, Wales (B.A.) and begins to develop interactive and telematic installations; 1989-91 studies of Fine Arts (M.A.) at the University of Reading (GB); 1989-92 Lecturer in Telematics, School of Fine Art, Gwent College of Higher Education, Wales; 1991-92 Lecturer in Media Art, Department of Fine Art, University of Reading, Berkshire; 1993–1999 Lecturer for Computer Art at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig; since 1998 Guest Professor for Performance and Environment, Archimedia Institute, Hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung in Linz (A); since 2000 professor at the School of Art and Design at the University of Salford; lives and works in Manchester (GB).