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Claude Shannon «Communication-System»
Claude Shannon, «Communication-System», 1949
Photography | © Claude Shannon


Source text:

Shannon/Weaver «Diagramm des Kommunikationssystems»

Relevant passages:

icon: authorClaudia Giannetti «Cybernetic Aesthetics and Communication»

Works by Claude Shannon:



 Claude Shannon

Claude Shannon (1916-2001), American mathematician, was a student of Vannevar Bush at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His theory on the coding of all data with a series of ones and zeroes predicted the working basis of the modern digital computer and telecommunication network.

Warren Weaver (1894-1978), American scientist, was director of the Natural Sciences Department at the Rockefeller Institute and vice-president of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.In 1949, with their study «The Mathematical Theory of Communication» (German edition, 1976), Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver innovated the term information, which had a lasting influence on information technology and founded digital technology. Their theory was adopted by other natural and social science areas.