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Stahl Stenslie «CyberSM»
Stahl Stenslie, «CyberSM», 1993 – 1994
Photography | © Stahl Stenslie


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Works by Stahl Stenslie:

CyberSM| Erotogod


 Stahl Stenslie

b 1965 in Oslo (N). Media artist. Since 2001 professor of media arts at the School for Media in Cologne. Stenslie considers himself the father of cybersex, after developing together with Kirk Woolford the first full-body suit for «CyberSM» in 1993. Stenslie obtained his MA in art in Oslo, before studying at the Düsseldorf Academy and then completing his postgraduate studies in audiovisual media at the KHM in Cologne. For many years he researched at the Norwegian Telecom (Telenor) Research Institute, Kjeller (N), focussing on the future of the Internet. Today his work deals with the development of «interfaces.» He participated in numerous exhibitions and served as the curator of exhibitions both inland and abroad. Together with Marie-Luise Angerer, he moderated the symposium «next sex» at the Ars Electronica 2000.