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V2_Lab «Datacloud 2.0»
V2_Lab, «Datacloud 2.0», 1999 – 2002
1999 | Screenshot | © V2_Lab


Works by V2_Lab:

Datacloud 2.0

Netherlands | Concept: Anne Nigten, Brigit Lichtenegger, Lenno Verhoog, Maarten Handstede, Marc Neelen and Piet Vollaard in cooperation with ArchiNed (1999: ArchiNed, V2_Lab; Editors: Neelen, Marc; Vollaard, Piet; ArchiNed | Participants: 1999 Design: van Druten, Lara; van Lierop, Joris; van de Velde, Mark (Stichting AIR); Beirat/advisors: Christine de Baan, Suzanne Briegoos, Anne-Mie Devolder, Lara van Druten, Jan Ilsink, Anne Nigten, Mathias Schwenck, Mark van de Velde, Piet Vollaard | Software: Open Source, Java 2 and Java 3D, Mozilla Web browser, database | Programming: Technische Realisation/technical realisation: Kolman, Jan-Wijbrand; Nigten, Anne, V2_Lab | Edition / Production: Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs; Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science


The V2_Lab team in Rotterdam is headed by Anne Nigten, collaborators are Sandra Fauconnier, Rens Frommé, Pieter van Kemenade, Jasper op de Coul, Erik Kemperman.