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Dziga Vertov «Man with a Movie Camera» | The eye and lens superimposed
Dziga Vertov, «Man with a Movie Camera», 1929
The eye and lens superimposed | © Dziga Vertov

Russian Federation | 75' | b/w, silent | Concept: Dziga Vertov | Director: Dziga Vertov | Camera: Michail Kaufman | Edition / Production: Wufku, Kiew | Archive / Collection: Filmmuseum (München) | 35mm-film

Lucinda Childs «Vehicle»

 Dziga Vertov

b 1896 in Bialystok (PL) – died 1954 in the USSR; studies music at the conservatory in Bialystok, followed by literary studies. At the beginning of World War I, move to Russia and collaboration with «Kinodedelja,» the first Sowjet cinema magazine. He works with Sowjet filmmakers, editing their material and using it eventually also for own artistic productions.