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Natasha Vita More «Primo Posthuman 3M+»
Natasha Vita More, «Primo Posthuman 3M+» Primo Posthuman 3M+, 2000
Screenshot | © Natasha Vita More

 Natasha Vita More

Like her companion Max More, Natasha Vita More commits herself to so-called «extropians» or «transhumanists» and aligns her project «Primo 3M +» with how they imagine the future.
«The (art) term ‹extropy› serves as the metaphor for the manners and values conveyed by those striving to overcome the boundaries and limitations of human existence with the help of technology. These manners and values are carefully explained in the manifesto ‹The Principles of Extropy› written by Max More.»

«A ‹transhuman› is a person in a transitional process. We find ourselves in the ‹transhuman› state when we make an effort to become posthuman and actively prepare ourselves for a posthuman future. This includes the knowledge and use of new technologies, which expand our abilities and raise our life expectancy; which investigate overlapping areas and the future-oriented transformation of our human condition, with which we elevate ourselves above the received concepts and behavioral patterns of mankind.»

Source: «Transhumanist FAQ» and Max More, «The Principles of Extropy (Version 3.11 © 2003). An evolving framework of values and standards for continuously improving the human condition»,