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1. icon: author Söke Dinkla «Virtual Narrations From the crisis of storytelling to new narration as mental potentiality»
them, calling into question their potency at representing reality. These artists include Stan Douglas, Diana Thater, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Aernout Mik and Sam Taylor-Wood. Although it first appears as if the choice of a chronological/ sequential medium such as [more]more
2. icon: author Söke Dinkla «Virtual Narrations From the crisis of storytelling to new narration as mental potentiality»
not only for the works of Stan Douglas, but also for those of Grahame Weinbren (especially «Sonata») and Eija-Liisa Ahtila. Ahtila's works are characterized by paradoxical narrative structures. Repeatedly, events occur that cannot be placed in [more]more
3. icon: author Söke Dinkla «Virtual Narrations From the crisis of storytelling to new narration as mental potentiality»
are shown on multiple screens, which can be viewed from various standpoints (see «Anne, Aki and God,» 1998, by Eija-Liisa Ahtila) or they extend over several rooms, which must be traversed one after the other (see «Electric Earth,» 1999, by [more]more