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1. icon: author Ivone Margulies «Toward a Corporeal Cinema: Theatricality in the \'70s»
appears later. Chantal Akerman, 1975 [2] In «Hotel Monterey» and «News from Home» (1976), two of Chantal Akerman's films made in New York under the influence of structural filmmaking, a fixed shot of an empty corridor, or of a crowded subway [more]more
2. icon: author Ivone Margulies «Toward a Corporeal Cinema: Theatricality in the \'70s»
In Akerman, they meet, through a radical reconsideration of the notion of theatricality. [7] Pop Art and Minimalism Chantal Akerman's stay in the United States in the early 1970s exposed her to experimental film, minimal art, and new American dance and [more]more