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Search results

1. icon: author Claudia Giannetti «Cybernetic Aesthetics and Communication»
degree of innovation and aesthetic value contained in an item of artistic information. Information aesthetics The philosopher Max Bense expanded Birkhoff’s model to include new findings from the fields of information theory, semiotics, and philosophy. [5] [more]more
2. icon: author Claudia Giannetti «Cybernetic Aesthetics and Communication»
1960s and 1970s, the theoretical reflection as well as the artistic practice were further developed by several followers of Max Bense and Abraham A. Moles. Herbert W. Franke and Bense’s pupils Siegfried Maser and Helmar Frank carried forward the research [more]more
3. icon: author Claudia Giannetti «Cybernetic Aesthetics and Communication»
treated differently from semantic information, since its main concern is not the conveyance of meaning but of that which Max Bense described as «realization.» He proposes a system based on the unidirectional transmission of information. This [more]more