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1. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Television-Art or anti-art? Conflict and cooperation between the avant-garde and the mass media in the 1960s and 1970s»
over part of the production. But this interventionist strategy became more radical, and indeed illegal, a year later. When Chris Burden was invited to appear on a talk show because of his sensational action «Shoot,» in which he had himself shot in [more]more
2. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «Reality/Mediality Hybrid Processes Between Art and Life»
Drawing,» 1972) or Gary Hill's video installation «Crux,» an overstepping of the symbolic was obvious in Chris Burden's famous actions such as «Shoot» (1971), in which he allowed himself to be shot in the arm, or «Prelude to [more]more
3. icon: author Inke Arns «Social Technologies Deconstruction, subversion, and the utopia of democratic communication»
[4] Cf. for example the approach, vigorously opposed to television as a mass medium, by the group Ant Farm («Cadillac Ranch Show» and «Media Burn,» 1975) and Chris Burden's «TV Hijack» action (1972); for this cf. the chapter «Radical Interventions» in «Television—Art or Anti-art?» [more]more