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1. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Media → Art / Art → Media Forerunners of media art in the first half of the twentieth century»
This second motive also continues today in artists' analyses and deconstruction[8] of mass media. Examples extend from William Burroughs' literary cut-up via Nam June Paik's remix of TV images to Dara Birnbaum's systematic analysis of TV semiotics and [more]more
2. icon: author Inke Arns «Social Technologies Deconstruction, subversion, and the utopia of democratic communication»
Internationale, Burroughs and Gysin, Fluxus The Situationist Internationale's theories and practices, Brion Gysin and William Burrough's cut-up techniques and the strategies employed by some exponents of Fluxus are very important in terms of politicized forms of [more]more
3. icon: author Inke Arns «Social Technologies Deconstruction, subversion, and the utopia of democratic communication»
since the 1970s came from the writers of the so-called ‹Beat Generation›. On October 1, 1959, Brion Gysin and William Burroughs, whose book «Naked Lunch» had just been published, invented the cut-up technique in the Beat Hotel in Paris. This [more]more
4. icon: author Inke Arns «Social Technologies Deconstruction, subversion, and the utopia of democratic communication»
habits.[49] Politico-artistic activism In contrast with this, the works of Krzysztof Wodiczko, Jochen Gerz, Peter Fend and Ingo Günther explicitly intervene in political and social matters. The artist-engineer Krzysztof Wodiczko immigrated first to France from [more]more