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1. icon: author Inke Arns «Social Technologies Deconstruction, subversion, and the utopia of democratic communication»
dérive concept used by the Situationists. In the course of their «insert_coin» project (2000–2001), Dragan Espenschied and Alvar Freude manipulated the Merz-Akademie's proxy-server, successfully gaining full control of all its web and mail [more]more
2. icon: author Inke Arns «Interaction, Participation, Networking: Art and Telecommunication»
for artistic Net texts. This development is illustrated by the «Association Blaster» (1999 onward) created by Alvar C.H. Freude and Dragan Espenschied, who describe their project as an «interactive text network. Anyone, including you, is allowed to [more]more