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1. icon: author Ivone Margulies «Toward a Corporeal Cinema: Theatricality in the \'70s»
sound, movement, and framing. As opposed to Brecht's eclectic collages (a technique best represented in film by Godard's montages of materials and voices, which tap different channels of rhetoric - interview, documentary, visual text, etc.), [more]more
2. icon: author Winfried Pauleit ««Riddles of the Sphinx». The Work of Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen: Between Counter-Strategy and Deconstruction»
Wollen already established this proximity to deconstruction theoretically a few years previously in relation to Godard’s cinema: «The text/film can only be understood as an arena, a meeting place in which different discourses [more]more
3. icon: author Robin Curtis «Of Gerbils and Men: Politics, Satire and Passion in Some Films of Joyce Wieland»
line from the Soviet filmmakers of the 1920s through to the avant-garde narrative filmmakers of 1960s and 70s Europe (such as Jean-Luc Godard and Straub-Huillet), the common denominator being a simultaneous emphasis on the signified of images, on the significance of [more]more