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1. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «Mapping and Text»
new tools for the formulations and forms of a personal identity. The Net Art projects by Daniela Alina Plewe and Ismael Celis also embody the artistic approach to the theme of mapping text-spaces and also social relationships. These have already been [more]more
2. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «The Archive, the Media, the Map and the Text»
data within a given system of co-ordinates that does not necessarily have to have a spatial, physical counterpart. Ismael Celis's «InterMaps» (2003) project maps communication within a social network of relationships between friends or [more]more
3. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «The Archive, the Media, the Map and the Text»
system of cycles and recursive processes, similar to the self-organizing community illustrations demonstrated by the Celis or Mongrel projects. But examining language also shows how alterity and co-presence create a possibility-space in literature [more]more