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Search results

1. icon: author Verena Kuni «Mythical Bodies II. Cyborg configurations as formations of (self-)creation in the imagination space of technological (re)production (II): The promises of monsters and posthuman anthropomorphisms»
for its part is put on display or made experiencible as a mechanism. An artistic project that begins at this level is Francesca da Rimini's «Doll Yoko»: A Web-based, non-linear narration that works with hypertexts and images and which intertwines the [more]more
2. icon: author Yvonne Volkart «Unruly Bodies. The Effect Body As a Place of Resistance»
hypertext-specific ghost fiction «Dollspace,» literally comes out of the marsh. This work by the Australian artist Francesca da Rimini originated from the LambdaMOO adventures Gashgirls a k a Francesca da Rimini. Doll Yoko is a figure who developed out of [more]more