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1. icon: author Barbara John «The Sounding Image. About the relationship between art and music—an art-historical retrospective view»
rolls took Richter and Eggeling directly to film. Their abstract formal studies became the basis for film scores. They and Walter Ruttmann (1887-1941) count as pioneers of the abstract film. [25] The Bauhaus was a special place where the different arts could [more]more
2. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Sound & Vision in Avantgarde & Mainstream »
Man Ray, Hans Richter, László Moholy-Nagy, Viking Eggeling, and as the first, but until today the least known: Walter Ruttmann. Like most of these artists he started as a painter, but in 1918 he painted his «Untitled (Last Painting).» His [more]more
3. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Sound & Vision in Avantgarde & Mainstream »
them from the TV aesthetic to make them into artistic material that can be formed freely. Just as half a century before Walter Ruttmann had built his film apparatus so that he could work with film like with brush and paint, Paik now announces: «Someday [more]more
4. icon: author Dieter Daniels «Sound & Vision in Avantgarde & Mainstream »
respond to each other in the interplay of music and video. It is reminiscent of comparable distinctions in the 1920s, when Ruttmann's films were always accompanied by composition created especially for them, while Oskar Fischinger restricted himself to [more]more
5. icon: author Golo Föllmer icon: author Julia Gerlach «Audiovisions. Music as an Intermedia Art Form.»
[22] In the area between literature, theater, and music, i.e. the radio play and its offspring («Weekend,» Walter Ruttmann's film for radio from 1930), experiments with the montage of noise were successful before those carried out with music. [more]more