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1. icon: author Verena Kuni «Mythical Bodies II. Cyborg configurations as formations of (self-)creation in the imagination space of technological (re)production (II): The promises of monsters and posthuman anthropomorphisms»
and the French artist Orlan—have interpreted in a particularly radical way and consistently pursued for many years. Stelarc became known for his «Suspensions»: Between 1976 and 1989, on 25 different occasions the artist had steel hooks [more]more
2. icon: author Verena Kuni «Mythical Bodies II. Cyborg configurations as formations of (self-)creation in the imagination space of technological (re)production (II): The promises of monsters and posthuman anthropomorphisms»
that the clutches of the new technologies are more far-reaching. Even if they do not proceed as radically as do Orlan and Stelarc, who turn their own physical bodies into a venue for the technologies, in their own way they lend expression to the suspicion [more]more
3. icon: author Verena Kuni «Mythical Bodies II. Cyborg configurations as formations of (self-)creation in the imagination space of technological (re)production (II): The promises of monsters and posthuman anthropomorphisms»
have experienced through the examination and the use of the computer, then a whole number of them—for instance Stelarc's «Ping Body,» Lynn Hershman's «Telerobotic Dolls» or her film «Tekknolust,» but of [more]more