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Search results

 MediaTexts in
1. Alexander Skrjabin «Promethée. Le Poème du feu»

Sound and Image

2. Alexander Hahn «The Bernoulli Itinerary»
3. Davis, Douglas; Komar, Vitaly; Melamid, Alexander «Questions Moscow New York»
4. Alexander Hahn «Of Shadow & Light - Riddle of Images»
5. Knowbotic Research «Dialogue with the Knowbotic South»

Overview of Media Art

6. Alexander Hahn «Fundamentals of Legerdemain – Grundzüge der Taschenspielerei»
7. Egon Bunne «VAMP – video art magazin productions»
1. Skrjabin, Alexander

Sound and Image

2. Davis, Joe

Cyborg Bodies

3. Hahn, Alexander
4. Knowbotic Research

Overview of Media Art

Aesthetics of the Digital

Generative Tools

Mapping and Text

Public Sphere_s

5. Edison, Thomas Alva

Sound and Image

6. Davis, Douglas; Komar, Vitaly; Melamid, Alexander
7. Levine, Sherrie


8. Deren, Maya

Art and Cinematography

9. Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich

Overview of Media Art

Sound and Image

Art and Cinematography