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Search results

 MediaTexts in
1. Blank & Jeron «Making Sense of it All»

Overview of Media Art

2. Blank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!»
3. Handshake «Handshake»
4. David Hall «TV Interruptions»

Overview of Media Art

5. Bruce Nauman «Bouncing in the Corner #1»

Overview of Media Art

6. Friederike Anders «The Memory of the Woman in White»
7. Peter Weibel «Crucifixion of the Identity»
1. Blank & Jeron

Overview of Media Art

Public Sphere_s

2. Jeron, Karlheinz
3. Handshake

Overview of Media Art

4. Internationale Stadt

Overview of Media Art

Source texts
1. Vannevar Bush «As We May Think» 

Mapping and Text

2. Dieter Daniels «Strategies of Interactivity»  
3. Margaret Morse «Sunshine and Shroud: Cyborg Bodies and the Collective and Personal Self»