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lose my way alone, no one can help me – that’s the big difference. Just the same, I like the challenge of standing onstage. We gave up the rehearsal room, but we still rehearse once a year, mostly for the sound check on the stage. I use an IBook with live software, a MPC 1000, and a midi cable that connects my MPC to the Norton micro-modular – a modular synthesizer that can be programmed through the computer: a small box similar to a modular synthesizer by Moog. It’s a fascinating device for researching sounds with. But it’s nothing special. These are all standard industrial products and not really exclusive tips…

Question from the audience: How do you record your LPs? Do you meet in the studio with your notebooks, and each of you just starts?

RL: Exactly. For the first LP that we recorded together in 1995, Ronald and Stefan didn’t know each other. I met Stefan at a «Kreidler» concert. I liked what he did, and I told him that I would contact him if anything was happening in Berlin. Then we had the chance to make an LP, and he came. Ronald and Stefan first met in the studio, and they got along fine. It was a stroke of luck: we recorded the first LP in two days. It


works in other ways, too, like when we send each other tapes or CDs, and react to each other’s selections. But we usually develop the pieces in the studio. Ronald has an old but easy to work Yamaha sampler. He uses it to cut samples from every possible source, and later these serve as the main themes for pieces.

DD: Didn’t your band come together for the opening of your first exhibition? That was in the «White Elephant» Gallery, and the exhibition was called «to rococo rot» then. Am I right?

RL: That’s correct. The gallerist is a big music fan, and the exhibition was supposed to be called «to rococo rot». For the show, we made an LP that resembled a jazz LP: the names of the jazz musicians and the LP’s title appear in large print on the cover. So people thought «to rococo rot» was the band’s name. We tried to correct that misunderstanding during our first interviews; but after a while we gave up, and now it really is the band’s name.

DD: And the music? Was it played at the exhibition opening?

RL: It was actually a different product altogether,

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