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Matthias Gommel «Delayed»
Matthias Gommel, «Delayed»
© Matthias Gommel

Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»Matthias Gommel «Delayed»

Keywords: Dialogue | Perception

Karlsruhe | Germany | interactive sound installation

 Matthias Gommel

Two Headsets are hanging from the ceiling. Microphones record speach which can be heard via the head phones. Both sets are linked so that one can hear the other speaker. The communication, however, is realized with a three second delay. The perception of one's own act is being detached from its execution. All perception of the world is in a way with a time delay, made perceivable through this transparent delay.
Presented in the context of the exhibition «Son Image» at the Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City, 2003.