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Jürgen Reble «A Trusted Partner»
Jürgen Reble, «A Trusted Partner», 1993
© Jürgen Reble


Categories: Film

Keywords: Material | Recycling


 Jürgen Reble
«A Trusted Partner»

In ‘Ein bewährter Partner', which uses found footage from an old Siemens film about computers and their language, Jürgen Reble continues on his own the artistic strategies tested in his work in the film-making collective Schmelzdahin Film. Originally in colour but copied onto b/w film, images of punch cards and computer components flicker like a seismographic record of breathing or heartbeats. Separated from the original soundtrack and modified by adding further copied images, the film thus pulsates in a biological rhythm that grants the subject of the original film – the computer as a trusted partner – a life of its own. This reveals hidden aspects of the original that provide the viewer with food for thought.