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Eva Grubinger «Net Bikini»
Eva Grubinger, «Net Bikini», 1995
Via the Internet, users of ‘Netzbikini' can acquire patterns for bikinis that they can then make themselves. First they must download a pattern in their size (small, medium and large are available), then print it out and piece it together. After cutting (the artist suggests transparent fabric such as that used for net curtains) the sections can be sewed together on the machines provided. Users who send Eva Grubinger a photograph of the net bikini being worn may attach a designer label bearing the artist's name to their sewn net art work. Examples of these strongly material designer items can be seen at With such simple handmade pieces Grubinger undermines the cult of the cyber body by offering an alternative to it.

Eva Grubinger «Net Bikini»Eva Grubinger «Net Bikini»

Categories: Installation | Internet

Keywords: Body | Material

Photograph: Jens Ziehe

 Eva Grubinger
«Net Bikini»

Via the Internet, users of ‘Netzbikini' can acquire patterns for bikinis that they can then make themselves. First they must download a pattern in their size (small, medium and large are available), then print it out and piece it together. After cutting (the artist suggests transparent fabric such as that used for net curtains) the sections can be sewed together on the machines provided. Users who send Eva Grubinger a photograph of the net bikini being worn may attach a designer label bearing the artist's name to their sewn net art work. Examples of these strongly material designer items can be seen at
With such simple handmade pieces Grubinger undermines the cult of the cyber body by offering an alternative to it.