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Rotraut Pape «Not just Water»
Rotraut Pape, «Not just Water», 1995
© Rotraut Pape

Rotraut Pape «Not just Water»Rotraut Pape «Not just Water» | play video

Categories: Video

Keywords: Simulation | Theory


 Rotraut Pape
«Not just Water»

Five men and women are sitting at a round table. Before our eyes, items of food appear on their plates and go through amazing transformations. Pineapple, melon, wholemeal bread and other fruits of the Tree of Knowledge show themselves from inside, and come alive. While they bloom, pulsate and alter continually, the eaters undergo transformations as well. Slowly but surely the borders between inner and outer dissolve, and as spatial distinctions disappear, so do the boundaries between mind and matter.
Rotraut Pape

This most recent 'formatting' of a ten-year group process with an unchanging group of artistic collaborators (Andreas Coerper, Klaus Dufke, Michael Esser, Regine Staegemeier and Rotraut Pape) combines dry understatement, computer-generated images, a caricatured noise dramaturgy and synthetic colouring to portray a virtual dinner in the decade of genetic manipulation.


Rudolf Frieling