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Robert Rauschenberg «Open Score»
Robert Rauschenberg, «Open Score», 1966
Photograph: Peter Moore | © ;
Performance of Robert Rauschenberg at 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering, Octobre 1966. The first part of the piece was a tennis game between Frank Stella and Mimi Kanarek. A small FM transmitter was placed in the handle of the tennis racquets and a contact microphone attached to the rim of the racquet. Each time a ball was hit a loud BONG rang out through the Armory and one of the lights went out. The game continued until the Armory became dark.

Robert Rauschenberg «Open Score» | Wired Tennis RacketRobert Rauschenberg «Open Score»Robert Rauschenberg «Open Score»Robert Rauschenberg «Open Score»

Categories: Theatre

Keywords: Festival | Interaction | Space

Works by Robert Rauschenberg:

Revolver| Shades| Solstice| Soundings

New York | United States | Tennisschläger mit FM-Übertragungsset und integriertem Mikrophon (67,95 x 22,54 cm x 4,13 cm), Infrarotkameras und -lichter, drei Großraumbildschirme. | Concept: Robert Rauschenberg | Participants: Frank Stella, Mimi Kanarek, Simone Forti, Robert Rauschenberg | Hardware: Bill Kaminski

Matthias Müller »Home Stories«

 Robert Rauschenberg
«Open Score»

Open Score, Robert Rauschenberg's piece for 9 Evenings, began with a tennis game on the floor of the Armory. Bill Kaminski designed a miniature FM transmitter that fit in the handle of the tennis racquet, and a contact microphone was attached to the handle of the racquet with the antenna wound around the frame of the head. Each time Frank Stella and Mimi Kanarek hit the ball the vibrations of the racquet strings were transmitted to the speakers around the armory, and a loud BONG was heard. At each BONG, one of the 48 lights went out, and the game ended when the Armory was in complete darkness. Five hundred people came on stage in the dark. Using infrared light and infrared television cameras, their images were picked up and projected on three large screens suspended in front of the audience. In a third section, Simone Forti, in a cloth sack, sang an ltalian love song as Rauschenberg picked her up and put her down at several places on the Armory floor.