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James Turrell «Perceptual Cell»
James Turrell, «Perceptual Cell», 1991
Photography | Photograph: Michael Herling / Aline Gwose | © James Turrell


Keywords: Light | Perception

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Arndt, Olaf; Moonen, Rob «Camera Silens»

United States | 125*239,2*135 cm (W*H*D) | Wahrnehmungszelle, Neonröhren in Rot, Blau, Grün, Stroboskoplicht, Tongenerator, Helligkeitsregler | Archive / Collection: Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hanover | interactive environment

 James Turrell
«Perceptual Cell»

«Perceptual Cell» is the title of several mobile works created in the 1990s. These self-contained, perception capsules serve as individual, experience spaces for one person at a time. They make it possible to experience changes in one’s perception by way of altered lighting conditions. To a certain extent, the frequencies, colors, and intensities of light, can all be controlled by the viewer. The perceptual experiences produced in this way are not only sensed visually, but also through one’s body. Moods and spatial impressions are altered even though external conditions such as temperature and spatial reach remain the same. Instead of using light to illuminate space, James Turrell creates spaces made of immaterial substances. His works produce a precise awareness of light. Turrell analyzes the conditions of light, darkness and space, and makes it possible to sense these parameters both physically and emotionally.


Heike Helfert