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Robert Wilson «Video 50»
Robert Wilson, «Video 50», 1978

Robert Wilson «Video 50»Robert Wilson «Video 50» | play video
United States | 51' 40" | Director: Robert Wilson | Photograph: Marc Maillard, Christian Ricque | Camera: Michel Grellet | Sound: Gilbert Jager | Music: Allan Lloyd | Participants: Lucinda Childs, Phillipe Chemin, Laura Condominas, Robert Wilson | Schnitt: Marc Urtado | Edition / Production: Film and Vidoe Collectif / ZDF / Robert Boner, Caroline Arrighi | Archive / Collection: ZKM Videosammlung, Karlsruhe

 Robert Wilson
«Video 50»

»Video 50« is an extraordinary video sketchbook, a highly original, visually dramatic and frequently humorous collection of one hundred abbreviated «episodes» produced for television. Unfolding as a series of thirty-second vignettes, this enigmatic essay in style is characterized by a deadpan theatricality, symbolist imagery, surrealist juxtapositions and repetition of visual key motifs. Fusing the surprising visual logic and rhythms with unexpected temporal manipulations, Wilson creates a work of startling wit and poetry.


ZKM Videosammlung