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Antoni Abad «Z»
Antoni Abad, «Z», 1999 – 2003
1999 | Screenshot | © Antoni Abad
Web-Link: Project online


Categories: Internet

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 Antoni Abad

«Z» is comprised of ‹freeware,› which appears in the user’s computer in the form of a perfectly duplicated housefly, no sooner the program is loaded into the computer. By installing «Z» the user creates a personal and genetically unique fly, which just the same belongs to a worldwide fly-community numbering in the thousands. This means that each fly conceals a person, who brings it to life over and over again by going online. With P2P-technology and the Fly-Interface, every user can communicate with other flies (people) in the lands or cities of their choice via chats, Email, and by way of various other criteria: time zone, online-fly, graphics for community evolution, genealogical family tree of the swarm or language. The online activities of users have an accompaniment. The first version of «Z» was co-produced in 1999 by MECAD/Media Centre of Art & Design (Sabadell and Barcelona) for the international exhibition «net_condition».