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Jonah Brucker-Cohen «BumpList» | Bumplist Screenshot
Jonah Brucker-Cohen, «BumpList»
Bumplist Screenshot | © Jonah Brucker-Cohen
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Jonah Brucker-Cohen «BumpList» | Bumplist ScreenshotJonah Brucker-Cohen «BumpList» | Bumplist statistics

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United States

 Jonah Brucker-Cohen

Jonah Brucker-Cohen

Researcher, artist, and PhD candidate in the Disruptive Design Team of the Networking and Telecommunications Research Group (NTRG), Trinity College Dublin (IRL). HEA researcher in the Human Connectedness Group at Media Lab Europe and co-founder of the Dublin Art and Technology Association. MA from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU and Interval Research Fellow creating interactive networked projects. His work and thesis focuses on the theme of «Deconstructing Networks» which includes projects that attempt to critically challenge and subvert accepted perceptions of network interaction and experience.