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Chris Burden «Prelude to 220, or 110»
Chris Burden, «Prelude to 220, or 110», 1971
Photography | Photograph: Chris Burden | ©

Valie Export »Touching«

 Chris Burden

*1946 in Boston (USA). After working as a photographer in Europe for several years, Burden studied architecture and arts at Harvard University and at the University of California. He developed his first sculptures and performances during the 1970´s against the background of growing fear and threat of the individual, struggeling in the psychological and social context of a mechanized society. To demonstrate the state of a critical mental and psychological situation, Burden uses his own body as a medium. 1976 he abandoned artistic actions and moved towards a new conception of monumental sculpture. By means of his lecturing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Los Angeles since 1978 Burden is regarded together with Paul McCarthy as one of the progenitors of new «body-centered» artistic developments in California; lives and works close to Los Angeles.