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Kempf/von Rotz «[ACTG]enome»
Kempf/von Rotz, «[ACTG]enome», 2003
Screenshot | © Kempf/von Rotz


Works by Kempf/von Rotz:


Switzerland | Software: Client-Server mit Datenbankanbindung, Multiuserenvironment; Shockwave, MySql, PHP.

 Kempf/von Rotz

Franziska Kempf
1974 born in Arbon (CH); trained as a photographer in Zurich; studies at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Zürich, department of New Media; lives and works in Zurich.

Christina von Rotz
1961 in Zürich geboren; Studium der Germanistik in Zürich; Studium der Informatik in Zürich; studies at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Zürich, department of New Media; postgraduate studies in gender and science theory in Berlin; lives and works in Zurich and Berlin.

Since 2000 artistic collaborationa and media-based works on issues of gender and humans in relation to technology.