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Kempf/von Rotz «[ACTG]enome»
Kempf/von Rotz, «[ACTG]enome», 2003
Screenshot | © Kempf/von Rotz

Kempf/von Rotz «[ACTG]enome»Kempf/von Rotz «[ACTG]enome»Kempf/von Rotz «[ACTG]enome»Kempf/von Rotz «[ACTG]enome»
Switzerland | Software: Client-Server mit Datenbankanbindung, Multiuserenvironment; Shockwave, MySql, PHP.

 Kempf/von Rotz

«[ A C T G ] enome» visualizes the discourse of genes and demonstrates that technologies are not merely a lab product but do have effects on society.
The interface represents the DNA of a gene as a continuous text of the letters ACTG. These is the original data from the Human Genome Project, enhanced by additional information from the database of the Sanger Institute. The text of the DNA can now be manipulated, projected onto four screens, coordinated as a multi-user environment. The projections form a kind of society with the poles: creativity – information – structure – singularity (difference). The manipulations alter the samples, rearrange them until the interface is suddenly blocked.
A manipulation of the DNA first disturbs the projections and turns the situation upside down: If the interface shows the code of the DNA and the projections the contours of a society, the sides have then changed and the projections show the DNA and the interfaces on the poles the society. Analog to text manipulation, images can then be changed as well.

Franziska Kempf / Christina von Rotz