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Furukawa, Kiyoshi; Fujihata, Masaki; Münch, Wolfgang «Small Fish» | Interface
Furukawa, Kiyoshi; Fujihata, Masaki; Münch, Wolfgang, «Small Fish», 1999
Interface | © Furukawa, Kiyoshi; Fujihata, Masaki; Münch, Wolfgang


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Works by Furukawa, Kiyoshi; Fujihata, Masaki; Münch, Wolfgang:

Small Fish

Germany | Musical concept, programming of the musical framework: Kiyoshi Furukawa, Visuals: Masaki Fujihata, Assisted by: Takaumi Furuhashi | Programming: Wolfgang Münch | Edition / Production: ZKM|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe | cd-rom

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 Furukawa, Kiyoshi; Fujihata, Masaki; Münch, Wolfgang

Kiyoshi Furukawa
*1959 in Tokyo (J); studied composition under Yoshiro Irino, Isang Yun and György Ligeti; since 1984, Furukawa has been preoccupied with electronic media and has undertaken research in, among other institutions, the Computer Music Center of Stanford University (USA) and the ZKM Institute for Music and Acoustics; various awards and scholarships; lives in Tokyo.

Masaki Fujihata
*1956 born in Tokyo (J); studies at the Tokyo University of Arts; since 1990 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Information, Keiô University, Kanagawa (J); since 1999 Professor at the Tokyo University of Arts; several prizes; Fujihata was artist-in-residence at the ZKM-Institute for Visual Media in 1998-1999; lives in Tokyo.

Wolfgang Münch
*1963; studies at the State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart, and the Academy of Applied Art, Vienna (A); since 1996 programming for various projects at ZKM Karlsruhe; 1997–2001 lecturer at the Merz Academy, Stuttgart, in electronic media design/interactive media; lives in Karlsruhe.