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Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie | Galloway and Rabinowitz | Galloway and Rabinowitz
Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie
Galloway and Rabinowitz | Photography | © Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie


Marina Abramovic »Rhythm 10«| Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie »Electronic Café«

 Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie

Since 1975 Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz have worked as a couple on issues of communication projects; in the course they developed pioneering projects in the context of a democratic alternative media movement which led them to the foundation of C.A.F.E., an acronym for «Communication Access For Everyone,» in 1989 which consists of various locations on the West coast in the U.S.