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Matthias Müller «Home Stories»
Matthias Müller, «Home Stories», 1990
Videostill | © Matthias Müller


Works by Matthias Müller:

Home Stories

Germany | 6' | 16mm/35mm Film, col | Concept: Matthias Müller | Photograph: Matthias Müller | Sound: Dirk Schäfer | Music: Dirk Schäfer | Schnitt: Matthias Müller | Archive / Collection: ZKM Videosammlung, Karlsruhe | 16mm/35mm-film

Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte «Opera sextronique»| Ascott, Roy; Foresta, Don; Sherman, Tom; Trini, Tomaso; Mattei, Maria Grazia; Adrian X, Robert «Planetary Network»| Wolf Vostell «TV for Millions»| Nam June Paik «Action with a violin on a string (staged during «Exposition of Music – Electronic Television»)»| Bill Viola «The Threshold»

 Matthias Müller

b 1961 in Bielefeld (D); studied German and Art at the Universität Bielefeld; 1987 state examination; studied with Professors Hein and Büttenbender at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste (College of Visual Arts), Braunschweig; 1991 Master Student; since 1980, freelance filmmaker; 1985 founding member of the film cooperative «Alte Kinder» (Old Children); lives and works in Bielefeld (D).