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Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte «Opera sextronique»
Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte, «Opera sextronique», 1967
© Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte


Categories: Action

Keywords: Aggression | Body | Music

Works by Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte:

24-hour Happening| TV-Bra for Living Sculpture

New York | United States

Tanja Ostojic «Personal Space»| Valie Export »Tapp- und Tastkino«| Fischli & Weiss «The Way of Things»| Hiroshi Sugimoto «Theaters»| Shu Lea Cheang «Kingdom of Piracy»

 Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte
«Opera sextronique»

Press clipping about the arrest of Charlotte Moorman during her performance of Paik’s 'Opera sextronique'. The stormy press reaction to her subsequent conviction brought about the passing of a new, more liberal law relating to the freedom of artistic presentation.