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Yvonne Rainer «Carriage Discreteness»
Yvonne Rainer, «Carriage Discreteness», 1966
Photography | Photograph: Peter Moore | ©

New York | United States | Holzfaserplatten, Holzbretter und -latten, Styropor, Mülltonne, Schaumstoff, Film- und Diaprojektion, beleuchteter Stab aus Acrylglas, Schaukel. | Concept: Yvonne Rainer | Participants: Steve Paxton, | Hardware: Carl Andre

Andy Warhol «Sleep»

 Yvonne Rainer

Born in San Francisco in 1934; one of the founders of the Judson Dance Theater in 1962, the genesis of a movement that proved to be a vital force in modern dance in the following decades; since 1972 Rainer has completed seven feature-length films.