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Norbert Wiener | Norbert Wiener at MIT | Norbert Wiener at MIT
Norbert Wiener
Norbert Wiener at MIT, 1948 | Photography | © Norbert Wiener


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 Norbert Wiener

b 1894 in Columbia, USA—died 1964 in Stockholm (SWE). Wiener studied philosophy at Harvard University and obtained a PH.D in mathematical logic in 1912. He taught philosophy at Harvard and later mathematics at MIT in Cambridge (USA). He went to Europe as a Guggenheim fellow, working most of that time in Göttingen (D), or in Cambridge (GB). His work focused on the navigation of missiles during World War II led him to further developing news transmission technology into the realm of cybernetics. He coined this term in his work «Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and Machine» (1948). Others important publications are: «The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society» (1950), and «Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory» (1958).