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Information | »Information Machine« or »Visual Jukebox«, design: Ettore Sottass jr.
«Information», 1970
»Information Machine« or »Visual Jukebox«, design: Ettore Sottass jr.

 | Cover des Ausstellungskataloges | Cover des Ausstellungskataloges | »Information Machine« or »Visual Jukebox«, design: Ettore Sottass jr. | »Information Machine« or »Visual Jukebox«, design: Ettore Sottass jr.
Organizer: Museum of Modern Art | New York


Kynaston McShine, the curator of this MoMA exhibition in New York presented videos and installations by American and European artists (a.o. Vito Acconci, Art & Language, Daniel Buren, Jan Dibbets, Hans Haacke, Dennis Oppenheim, Edward Ruscha, Robert Smithson oder Jeff Wall). It included an early example of dealing with publicly accessible archives within the context of an exhibition and some of the participating artists confronted the issues of political and media based contents: Haacke established «MOMA POLL» as a first link between the areas of politics and the museum by presenting an open poll on the way the Rockefeller family acted with regard to Nixon's plans in Indochina.